Organic SEO

My SEO services are focused on an organic approach that begins with the code. No amount of keyword research will help a website that is technically unsuitable for search engine optimization. In WordPress this is especially crucial because the URLs generated can appear as duplicate content when indexed by search engines.

Plugins like Yoast SEO are great for search engine optimization, but they don’t do the job alone. Plugins are tools to make the job easier, and I can tell you from experience that using a plugin also takes skill and knowledge to be effective.

After I determine which pages should be indexed, I can also write custom title tags and descriptions. Using Google Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools), I can monitor which pages are indexed, submit sitemaps, keep track of errors, and monitor the overall health of your site’s search engine optimization.

Angela J. Holden

I’m a web designer and custom WordPress theme builder in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I’ve been designing and building websites since 2009, and I love every minute that I spend doing it.