Terms & Conditions


I create look-and-feel designs, and flexible layouts that adapt to the capabilities of many devices and screen sizes. I create design templates using HTML, CSS and PHP, so I won’t waste time mocking up every page as a static visual. I may use static visuals to indicate a look-and-feel mood (color, texture and typography.) I call that a design style guide.

You’ll have plenty of opportunities to review my work and provide feedback. If appropriate, I’ll share my working Dropbox with you and have regular, possibly daily contact. If, at any stage, you’re not happy with the direction my work is taking, you’ll pay me in full for everything I’ve produced until that point, and we will cancel this agreement.

Text & Content

I’m not responsible for writing or inputting any text copy. If you’d like me to write new content or input text for you, I can provide a separate estimate for that.

HTML, CSS, jQuery & PHP

I deliver web page templates developed from HTML5 markup, CSS stylesheets for styling, and unobtrusive jQuery for feature detection and behaviors. I use PHP to structure and organize web pages, and because those web pages are often developed into WordPress themes.

Browser Testing

Browser testing no longer means attempting to make a website look the same in browsers of different capabilities or on devices with different size screens. It does mean ensuring that a person’s experience of a design is appropriate to the capabilities of a browser or device. I test my work in current versions of major desktop browsers including those made by Apple (Safari), Google (Chrome), Microsoft (Internet Explorer) and Mozilla (Firefox).

Mobile Browser Testing

Testing popular small-screen devices is essential in ensuring that a person’s experience of a design is appropriate to the capabilities of the device they’re using. I don’t test Blackberry, Opera Mini/Mobile, Windows Phone or other mobile browsers. If you need me to test using these, I can provide a separate estimate for that.

I test my work in:

  • iOS: Safari, Google Chrome
  • Android 4.x: Google Chrome and Firefox

Technical Support

I’m not a website hosting company so I don’t offer support for website hosting, email or other services relating to hosting. You may already have professional hosting, but if you don’t, I recommend Deluxe shared hosting on GoDaddy.

Changes & Revisions

I know from experience that fixed-price agreements are rarely beneficial to you, as they often limit you to your earliest ideas. I don’t want to limit your ability to change your mind. The price at the beginning of this agreement is based on the length of time I estimate I’ll need to accomplish everything you’ve told me you want to achieve, but I’m happy to be flexible. If you want to change your mind or add anything new, that won’t be a problem as I’ll provide a separate estimate for that.

Adapted from Andy Clarke’s Contract Killer